Economic contraction and military expansion

February 25, 2018

This article, written by Workers World Party founder Sam Marcy in June 1980, analyzes the basic contradiction within U.S. imperialism…

Don’t touch the ADA

February 25, 2018

The House of Representatives voted 225-192 on Feb. 15 to roll back civil rights legislation for people with disabilities. The…

Free Mumia, free Meek Mill, free them all!

February 25, 2018

The frame-up of rapper Meek Mill by Philadelphia cops bears a telling resemblance to the case of Mumia Abu-Jamal. Both…

Of the rich, by the rich, for the rich

February 25, 2018

While he campaigned under the pretense of being a “populist,” the current president is anything but. Donald Trump is a…

Domestic violence begins at home, is linked to mass murder

February 25, 2018

Two wife-beaters with important positions in the White House — Rob Porter and David Sorensen — were forced to resign…

Parker opens anti-capitalist Senate campaign

February 23, 2018

The Peace and Freedom Party of California held a press conference at the state Capitol Building in Sacramento on Feb.…

Farmworker housing: Too dangerous to live in

February 23, 2018

Syracuse, N.Y. — Two families who worked and lived at Melrose Farm in Owasco were suddenly homeless when state building…

No union-busting at Columbia University

February 22, 2018

New York City — Unions and allies at Columbia University are gearing up for a militant protest against “right-to-work-for-less” right-winger…

Black History Month: Noticing chains

February 22, 2018

“Those who do not move, do not notice their chains,” said Rosa Luxemburg. Remove those chains through regular reading. In…

Ukraine and Donbass: Four years of solidarity and struggle

February 22, 2018

Based on a presentation given at a Workers World Party class in New York City on Feb. 20, 2018. Four…