Acusaciones de violación utilizadas como arma para justificar el genocidio

January 15, 2024

Para justificar linchamientos, el KKK y otros grupos terroristas de supremacía blanca han invocado durante mucho tiempo el estereotipo racista…

Death is no one if he rides in your saddle
Interview with Leila Ghanem about Gaza’s October 7

January 15, 2024

Interview in November 2023 with Lebanese anthropologist and communist leader Leila Ghanem, conducted and translated for the Coordination of Communist…

V.I. Lenin and Rosa Luxemburg: Eagles of revolution

January 12, 2024

The imperialist ruling class continues to hate the Russian revolutionary leader V.I. Lenin and his counterpart in Germany, Rosa Luxemburg.…

‘Stop WW3 Peace Initiative’ statement
On the genocide of Palestinian people and their powerful resistance

January 12, 2024

The organizers of the Stop World War 3 Peace Initiative, which held a conference in Rome, Italy, from Oct. 27-28,…

PDF of January 11 issue

January 11, 2024

Download the PDF. Shut it down for Palestine! The Bronx · Philly · Seattle Hear the voices of Palestinian Resistance…

Stop the war on Yemen!

January 11, 2024

Workers World condemns the U.S. and British imperialist governments for their unjustifiable attacks on Yemen Jan. 11. This latest aggression…

Panamá 60 years after January 9, 1964

January 11, 2024

Beluche is a sociologist and anti-imperialist organizer in Panamá. Translation: John Catalinotto. January 9, 1964, was Panamá’s true independence day.…

Hamas’s principles on Judaism and Zionism

January 11, 2024

The following Articles are from the preamble of Hamas’s May 2017 “Principles and Policies” which can be found at…

The marriage between Zionism and imperialism

January 11, 2024

The author is a Belgian anti-imperialist, contributor to Investig’action, rebellion, Solidaire and other magazines. He contributed this article to the…

Reject ‘War on Drugs’ rhetoric

January 11, 2024

Philadelphia Another mayor, another effort to “clean up” Kensington. Except this time, the new mayor, Cherelle Parker, wasted no time…