Week two of ‘Don’t Orchestrate Apartheid’

April 19, 2018

For the second time, demonstrators gathered outside the Kimmel Center in Philadelphia on April 12 to denounce plans by the…

San Diego solidarity with Palestine

April 19, 2018

On April 14, a large crowd answered the call of the Partnership for the Advancement of New Americans and gathered…

Puerto Rico Teachers Federation: ‘a fighting instrument’

April 19, 2018

The Puerto Rico Teachers Federation (FMPR) held a successful one-day strike March 19 against legislative attacks on teachers and students.…

Oklahoma and the school strike surge

April 19, 2018

By Ben C. and Sara C. The valiant fight of Oklahoma teachers and school staff for long overdue raises and…

Johns Hopkins students protest CIA recruitment

April 19, 2018

By Rhys Williams and Ben Anderson Baltimore Ten Johns Hopkins University student activists from Tzedek (a U.K.-based charity that aims…

BLM blocks streets over police killings

April 19, 2018

A bold Black Lives Matter march took Atlanta’s main downtown artery, Peachtree Street, on April 15 to demand justice for…

Gas venenoso, pretexto para ataque de EUA

April 19, 2018

Las guerras estadounidenses se basan en mentiras y falsas provocaciones. Esto no es noticia. Ahora viene la acusación de que…

Sirias/os reaccionan a amenazas de bombardeo

April 19, 2018

Por Karin Leukefeld Damasco, Siria La noche antes del 12 de abril estaba en calma. Un esperado ataque de las…

Syrian people defy U.S. missiles

April 17, 2018

The U.S. president has led a Gang of Three into an aggressive assault on Syria. The attack by the Pentagon,…

Trump and the neocons

April 17, 2018

Just hours before he ordered the missile strikes on Damascus on April 13, President Trump granted a pardon to Lewis…