Texas executes innocent Ivan Cantu

March 8, 2024

The late afternoon and early evening of Feb. 28 were unusually chilly for South Texas as protesters, students and family…

for Aaron Bushnell who just died after self immolation for Gaza

March 8, 2024

the passers-by guessed what you were going to do   the onlookers saw your anti genocidal intent and let you…

‘Global solidarity day with the women of Gaza’

March 8, 2024

The following statement was issued by the Palestinian Federation of Women’s Action Committees on March 8 on Resistance News Network.   …

Gazan women prisoners face the crime of enforced disappearance

March 8, 2024

The following statement was released by Palestinian Prisoners Institutions on March 7, 2024, on Resistance News Network. This year has…

Joint statement of Southeast Asian left organizations
End the genocide! Solidarity with Palestine!

March 7, 2024

This joint statement was initiated by the Southeast Asian Left Network [Feb. 29, 2024], and endorsed by groups from within…

Spanish state: Demonstrations in 100 cities demand immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza

March 7, 2024

By the Solidarity Network Published Feb. 25,2024, in the web edition of El Salto, a left-wing daily in the Spanish…

Senegal: Behind the struggle over the election schedule

March 7, 2024

In the midst of big economic, military and political struggles, the people of Senegal are demanding a presidential election as…

El sacrificio de Aaron Bushnell

March 7, 2024

Por Bronx Anti-War Coalition Workers World/Mundo Obrero se solidariza plenamente con esta declaración. 1. “¡PALESTINA LIBRE!” fueron sus últimas palabras…

History will record that Israel committed a holocaust

March 7, 2024

The following article first appeared in the Electronic Intifada, March 6, 2023. It’s 8 p.m. in Gaza, Palestine, right now,…

Mass protests continue solidarity with Palestine, honor Aaron Bushnell

March 6, 2024

Five months into the uprising that began October 7, there has been no letup in the movement in solidarity with…