Palestinian resistance demands “land back” on Land Day

March 31, 2024

The following statements were issued by Resistance News Network on Land Day, March 30, 2024 Popular Front for the Liberation…

Hamas and Islamic Jihad meet in Tehran, Iran

March 31, 2024

The following statement was released by Resistance News Network on March 29, 2024. Last night, a delegation from the leadership…

Detener la entrada de la OTAN en Ucrania

March 31, 2024

Con el régimen ucraniano en Kiev aparentemente al borde del colapso, algunos de los gobiernos de la OTAN liderada por…

Cuba responds to protests over shortages

March 29, 2024

On March 17, small groups of Cubans protested shortages of electricity, water and food in areas of Cuba. Addressing the…

El bipartidismo en su mejor (o peor) expresión: La prohibición y la palabrería

March 29, 2024

Por mucho que demócratas y republicanos traten de parecer diferentes unos de otros, a veces no pueden evitar sonar igual.…

Activists around the world demand: Israeli ceasefire now! 

March 29, 2024

Palestinian-American, Chinese-American and Egyptian activists are together in Cairo for an international humanitarian mission and to fight against the Zionist…

On the picket line

March 29, 2024

Independent bookstore workers join union Workers at Shelf Life Books, an independent bookstore in the Carytown neighborhood of Richmond,Virginia, are…

Pro-Palestine protest says ‘no’ to National Guard

March 28, 2024

New York City, March 27 Reflecting the widespread, popular rejection of National Guard troops in the New York City subway…

UAW organizing at VW moves forward

March 28, 2024

On Sept. 15 the United Auto Workers launched a historic “Stand Up Strike” against Ford, General Motors and Stellantis (which…

Ralph Poynter – A revolutionary life

March 28, 2024

By Mumia Abu-Jamal The English Poet William Wordsworth once said, “The child is the father of the man.” Rarely has…