On International Workers’ Day: Urgent appeal from the Palestinian General Federation of Trade Unions

April 13, 2024

The call below was issued in March by the Palestinian General Federation of Trade Unions.   Brothers and Sisters of…

UNAC conference draws hundreds to oppose genocide in Gaza, hybrid war against China
Focus on building unity in action

April 13, 2024

The United National Antiwar Coalition released the following news release on April 8 which has been lightly edited. Over 400…

Milei’s policies push Argentina to the brink

April 13, 2024

Four months after Javier Milei’s inauguration as president, Argentina’s crisis of leadership has worsened, with the working class suffering the…

Stop attacks on harm reduction in Idaho!

April 12, 2024

Harm reduction is exactly that: a reduction of the harm that can potentially be caused by drug use. For some,…

Congratulations on Workers World’s 65th anniversary

April 12, 2024

On the request of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, the permanent representative of Korea to the…

A retrospect: O.J. Simpson, domestic violence and the racist, capitalist system

April 11, 2024

O.J. Simpson, the great football running back, died on April 10, 2024, at age 76 from cancer. The following updated…

Health care workers hold vigil for Gaza

April 11, 2024

Drexel University medical students held a vigil April 8 for the 485 health care workers killed by U.S.-supplied Israeli bombs,…

On Int’l Al-Quds Day: A call to ‘rise up and revolt’

April 11, 2024

The following statement from the Popular Resistance Committees was issued by Resistance News Network on April 5, 2024. On International…

Half a million voters protest Biden’s Gaza stance

April 11, 2024

With results now in from this week’s primaries, the total vote for “uncommitted” options on state ballots stands at 530,502.…

Abolish the methadone clinic system

April 11, 2024

There are many pathways to recovery from opioid addiction and misuse. One is the abstinence-only 12-step methodology;  another would be…