Count all the votes! The struggle has just begun

November 4, 2020

As of this writing it’s unclear who won the U.S. presidential election. Ballots are still being counted in several “battleground”…

Free Ant Smith – drop the bogus charges now!

November 4, 2020

Philadelphia Since George Floyd’s death last May sparked demonstrations against police brutality across the U.S., federal prosecutors have filed over…

International calls for release of Palestinian prisoner on hunger strike

November 4, 2020

The International Association of Democratic Lawyers, in a resolution released late last month, called for the immediate release of Maher…

Prison, COVID, and Disabilities

November 4, 2020

From a talk given at the Oct. 22 Workers World Webinar on “Voter Suppression & COVID & their Impact on…

Remembering Sue Davis: Comrade, fighter, writer (1942-2020)

November 3, 2020

Workers World Party lost a dynamic, dedicated comrade on Sept. 26 when Sue Davis died, a month after suffering a…

Sign the petition! Hands off Jalil Muntaqim!

November 3, 2020

Finally, after 49 years in prison, Black revolutionary Jalil Muntaqim was released on parole Oct. 7. On Oct 18, he…

Labour’s ouster of MP Jeremy Corbyn aims to crush criticism of Israel

November 3, 2020

Member of Parliament and former leader of the Labour Party (2015-2020), Jeremy Corbyn was ousted from his own party by…

How COVID-19 reveals inequalities in the U.S. economy

November 3, 2020

The Trump administration has admitted it has no plan to get COVID-19 under control. White House chief of staff Mark…

Se genera impulso para huelga general si Trump intenta golpe de estado

November 3, 2020

Un movimiento ha estado creciendo desde la resolución del Consejo Laboral de Rochester del 8 de octubre apoyando una huelga…

Indigenous nations in Oklahoma win Supreme Court ruling

November 3, 2020

A surprisingly progressive Supreme Court decision found that over one-third of Oklahoma still falls into “Indian Country” under federal law…