¡Manos fuera del heroico levantamiento estudiantil en solidaridad con Gaza!

April 29, 2024

¡Resistirse a la represión policial está justificado! Workers World apoya plenamente el heroico levantamiento estudiantil estadounidense que ha proliferado en…

In honor of International Workers Day: Hamas calls for week of global solidarity

April 28, 2024

We call upon the workers of the world to a week of solidarity events with the workers of Palestine. Let…

Student organizations in the Gaza Strip in solidarity with U.S. student Intifada

April 28, 2024

The following statement was posted on Samidoun Palestinian Political Prisoners Network on April 25, 2024.  Go to samidoun.net We, the…

SUNY BDS movement stages march on Albany for Palestine

April 28, 2024

Albany, New York Around 200 students, faculty, and activists from a variety of State University of New York schools gathered…

Final Declaration of the Rome Forum: What Future for Palestine?

April 28, 2024

The Rome Forum crowned two days of intense work on April 20-21, 2024, with the adoption of this International Declaration,…

German police shut down Palestine Congress in Berlin

April 26, 2024

By Andrew Johnson An anti-imperialist Palestine Congress “against German complicity in the genocide in Gaza” was planned for Berlin from…

Taking protests from the streets to the sea

April 26, 2024

The following article first appeared on the Resistance News Network, April 22. In two days, 1,000 people from around the…

Workers World:  May Day means ‘Solidarity with Palestine’

April 26, 2024

May Day is a day of solidarity with workers everywhere. This year’s priority is to support the besieged Palestinian people…

Finally! DA admits hiding evidence in Melissa Lucio’s case

April 26, 2024

Houston The prosecution, the defense and the judge  all agree now that evidence hidden by the Cameron County District Attorney…

Money for war, but not for the poor

April 26, 2024

The Supreme Court of the United States is set to begin hearings in April on a high-profile case that could…