From chattel slavery to modern prisons

September 7, 2021

The following remarks were given during the 50 Years of Resistance: Black August & Attica live broadcast hosted by the…

U.S. workers being pushed into an abyss

September 7, 2021

For many U.S. workers — especially low-wage workers — it has suddenly become much more difficult to put food on…

Storm damage fuels anger against capitalism

September 6, 2021

On Sept. 1, New York City was besieged by Hurricane Ida. Flash floods from torrential rains led to serious infrastructural…

The storm before the storm

September 6, 2021

There is no doubt that the climate catastrophe threatens the future of life on the planet. A massive mobilization of…

Comentario sobre Ida: El capitalismo acelera la miseria

September 6, 2021

La rama de la Costa del Golfo Central de Workers World Party Partido Mundo Obrero emitió la siguiente declaración el…

Workers rally for union and housing rights

September 6, 2021

Worker leader and whistleblower Chris Smalls and a dozen Amazon workers led a Labor Day weekend workers assembly Sept. 4,…

¡Manos fuera de Roe v. Wade!

September 6, 2021

Workers World/Mundo Obrero condena en los términos más enérgicos la sentencia del Tribunal Supremo de los Estados Unidos, de 5…

WW demands ‘Hands off Roe v. Wade!

September 4, 2021

Workers World condemns in the strongest terms the Supreme Court of the United States 5-4 ruling Sept. 2 that refused…

Nabisco workers strike across the U.S. 

September 3, 2021

Portland, Ore. Aug. 28 — Nearly 200 supporters attended a rally in support of Portland Nabisco workers, who went out…

‘Thank You, Mexico’ for sending aid to Cuba

September 3, 2021

An international statement of solidarity with revolutionary Cuba was delivered Aug. 26 at the Mexican Consulate in Denver, as Deputy…