Polish soldier deserts, charges army with killing migrants

January 3, 2022

Polish soldier Emil Czeczko, who was serving on the border under orders to prevent migrants from crossing from Belarus into…

Why is everything so expensive?

January 3, 2022

The prices of all basic goods and services necessary for human survival have been going up — in some cases,…

To a socialist future Build Workers World

December 30, 2021

Workers World newspaper’s articles and editorials analyze major global and U.S. developments, always with an anti-capitalist, anti-imperialist perspective. Our pages…

Give an incarcerated person a gift of Workers World!

December 30, 2021

“Inmates need Workers World papers. When you’re locked up, you need an intellectual light to shine through the darkness of…

Editorial: El asesinato y la tasa de retorno

December 29, 2021

En una nota a pie de página del volumen 1 de El Capital, publicado por primera vez en 1867, Karl…

EDITORIAL: Que la Corte Suprema no se meta con nosotras

December 27, 2021

En un mundo justo, ¿quién podría pensar que un conocido violador tendría el poder de obligar a las supervivientes de…

Workers, supporters demand ‘Amazon, recognize the Union now!’

December 24, 2021

Steps away from Broadway shows shut down by spiking COVID-19 numbers in New York City, a crowd of more than…

Film review: ‘137 Shots’

December 24, 2021

137 Shots” is a new documentary now streaming on Netflix. Directed by Michael Milano, it documents the 2012 execution-style murders…

Wildfire surge of omicron confirms: Health care for profit more deadly than coronavirus

December 24, 2021

The ominous toll of 800,000 deaths from COVID-19, reached in the U.S. Dec. 14, confirms that health care for profit…

Por qué Cuba no tiene un movimiento antivacunas

December 24, 2021

Traducido del neerlandés por Sven Magnus. Versión cortada por Mundo Obrero. Cada vez más, amplios sectores de la población europea…