On the picketline

July 1, 2022

Union Kitchen workers win against union-busting boss Union Kitchen workers in Washington, D.C., won a National Labor Relations Board-supervised union…

France election yields stinging rebuke for Macron

July 1, 2022

The second round of parliamentary elections in France held June 19 established two key facts. President Macron’s party suffered a…

War, sexual freedom and fascism in Germany – Lavender and Red 4 & 5

July 1, 2022

In addition to the legislative attacks on women, gender-nonconforming people and LGBTQ+ lives, in June white-supremacist groups like the Proud…

Mumia Abu-Jamal honored in France

July 1, 2022

This slightly edited story was posted by Bea Phi from prisonradio.org on June 4. Jamal Jr. is the grandson of…

Prison hunger strikers challenge solitary torture

June 30, 2022

Bulletin:  WW received notice of a new letter from Michael Rivera who wrote: “While active participants in the hunger strike…

Famine fueled by greed stalks the world’s poor

June 30, 2022

According to Oxfam and Save the Children, 1,500 people — mainly children under age 5 and elders — are dying…

PDF of June 30 issue

June 30, 2022

Download the PDF. Down with SCOTUS! We will fight back! and more on reproductive justice PRIDE: Lavender and Red: War…

New York City: LGBTQ+ community slams SCOTUS decision

June 29, 2022

Tens of thousands from the LGBTQ+ community and supporters filled the streets of New York City June 24-26 to affirm…

Colombia’s election raises hopes for peace

June 29, 2022

By M. Rafael Since the news of Gustavo Petro’s victory in the Colombian elections on June 19, a massive sense of…

Colombian election ‘an extraordinary event’

June 29, 2022

Translated by M. Rafael and Daniela Ochoa-Bravo The statement below was issued June 22 by the FARC-EP (Revolutionary Armed Forces…