Capitalists wage class war: Organize resistance!

January 10, 2023

Billionaire Warren Buffett admitted in a 2006 interview that he and his fellow billionaires waged class war against the workers.…

No to fascist coup in Brazil – an editorial

January 9, 2023

Just a week after the inauguration of Brazil’s newly elected and former President Luis Ignacio “Lula” da Silva, a pro-fascist…

Congressional chaos – deals and trades

January 9, 2023

The U.S. Congress’ dysfunction was on full display through 15 rounds of votes for the “Speaker of the House” position.…

News whiteout of Pennsylvania prison strike

January 9, 2023

Philadelphia Incarcerated workers held captive in Pennsylvania prisons called a labor strike in the name of Subaltern Peoples Abolitionist Revolutionary…

Aprobado el presupuesto de guerra

January 9, 2023

Días antes de Año Nuevo, el presidente Joe Biden firmó un proyecto de ley ómnibus de 1,7 billones de dólares…

Threat of more U.N. sanctions on Haiti

January 6, 2023

While the huge social, economic and political problems of Haiti have slipped out of the news, if anything they have…

Alto a la represión racista: ¡Permitid la entrada en EE.UU. a todos los inmigrantes!

January 6, 2023

El Paso, Texas, el 26 de diciembre de 2023 El 19 de diciembre, 400 soldados de la Guardia Nacional de…

2022: Year of the working class in the USA

January 5, 2023

This article was published Jan. 1, 2023, on the sites of La Pluma and Tlaxcala. The working class in the…

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette strike vs. Block Communications continues

January 5, 2023

The author is a member of Typographical Local CWA 14156 Communications Workers Locals 14827 and 14842, Typographers and Mailers union…

Incarcerated lives endangered in freezing conditions

January 5, 2023

In analyzing the heroic 1992 Los Angeles Rebellion, Sam Marcy, the late chairperson of Workers World Party, wrote in the…