Desea China solución al conflicto bélico entre Rusia y Ucrania

March 2, 2023

Por Redacción Internacional   24 de febrero de 2023. A un año de iniciarse la guerra entre Rusia y…

PDF of March 2 issue

March 2, 2023

Download the PDF. Biden’s war drive fuels resistance Palestinians’ general strike against Israeli repression U.S. activists inspired by visiting Cuba…

No criminalization of trans people!

March 1, 2023

In Texas, after attempts to categorize transition-related care for minors as child abuse failed, state legislators took the next step…

Transatlantic labor solidarity with Mumia Abu-Jamal

March 1, 2023

A South Africa labor meeting to build solidarity for Mumia Abu-Jamal was held in Durban, South Africa, during the last…

Step by step – U.S. tries to justify intervention into Haiti

March 1, 2023

The media attention is focused elsewhere. Ukraine and China are still of prime concern for President Joe Biden’s administration and…

Biden’s war drive fuels resistance

February 28, 2023

In the week of the first anniversary of the U.S./NATO proxy war against Russia in Ukraine, the Biden administration has…

Brigadistas report on inspiring experiences in Cuba

February 28, 2023

Members of the New York/New Jersey Committee of the Venceremos Brigade gave moving accounts of their experiences on the 51st…

Right-wing attack blocks donations to solidarity groups

February 28, 2023

The statement below was issued by Alliance for Global Justice Feb. 14. This is an emergency!  Alliance for Global Justice…

Yet another attack on Black women in sports

February 27, 2023

If you listen to sportscasters covering men’s professional and college basketball, you often hear words like “athleticism” and “physicality” used…

Palestinians strike and march against Israeli repression

February 27, 2023

On Feb. 23, 2023, a general strike organized by Palestinians spread throughout the Occupied West Bank, East Jerusalem and Gaza…