Declaración de las fuerzas democráticas de Sudán 

May 4, 2023

Por autor invitado Escrito el 19 de abril por las fuerzas contra los golpistas y contra los militaristas en Sudán.…

PDF of May 4 issue

May 4, 2023

Download the PDF. Sudan: Popular movement demands civilian rule Editorial: Smash anti-trans bigotry! Celebrating Philippine people’s struggle Oakland teachers fight…

Flood waters, torture: Demand Corcoran prisons be shut down

May 3, 2023

Oakland, California The big news coming out of California is about the flooding of the Central Valley where multi-million dollar…

Oakland teachers fight for higher pay, community schools

May 3, 2023

Oakland, California The Oakland Education Association represents around 3,000 teachers in the Oakland Unified School District. Its 50-member bargaining committee…

Resistance to sanctions: three components

May 3, 2023

Below is a talk given by Sara Flounders to the Americas Policy Forum “Burying 200 Years of the U.S. Monroe…

Sudan: Popular movement demands civilian rule

May 2, 2023

April 30 − Reports from Sudan’s largest seaport, Port Sudan, located on the Red Sea, describe a chaotic scene of…

Smash anti-trans bigotry!

May 2, 2023

Enough is enough. And we mean enough! Transgender youth are under siege. Legislators in all but four states have introduced…

Korean people deserve peace, autonomy, and self-determination!

May 2, 2023

Richie Merino of the International Action Center gave the following speech on April 29 during the “Rally for One Korea”…

Harry Belafonte was more than a Civil Rights activist but a genuine internationalist

May 1, 2023

The great Jamaican-identified artist, Civil Rights activist and internationalist, Harry Belafonte, died from congestive heart failure at age 96 on…

Lecciones de Lenin para el Día Internacional de los Trabajadores

May 1, 2023

El Día Internacional de los Trabajadores, también conocido como Primero de Mayo, nos recuerda una anécdota sobre la Revolución Rusa…