Mayor in Spain leads food raids for the people

August 24, 2012

A revolutionary youth’s perspective In the small Spanish town of Marinaleda, located in the southern region of Andalusía, Mayor Juan…

’We are all Asotrecol’

August 24, 2012

Activists from Detroit and Ann Arbor, Mich., came together on short notice for an emergency demonstration to support the fired,…

Chavela Vargas: A rebel artist who thrilled millions

August 23, 2012

Chavela Vargas, born Isabel Vargas Lizano in the town of San Joaquín de Flores, Costa Rica, died at the age…

People’s library opens despite police repression

August 23, 2012

The Victor Martinez Community Library was opened by a group of Occupy activists in Oakland, Calif., on Aug. 13, giving…

The hour of the wolf

August 23, 2012

Taken from an Aug. 8 audio commentary at A lone gunman invades a space frequented by people of color.…

Marxist classes expose ‘failings of capitalism’

August 23, 2012

Charlotte, N.C. — Workers World Party sponsored a dynamic Marxist School of Theory and Struggle in Charlotte, N.C., the week of…

Police massacre striking miners

August 22, 2012

Aug. 20 — Striking platinum miners have defied Lonmin Platinum PLC’s back to work orders and continue their job action…

All out! Protest RNC, DNC

August 22, 2012

Residents of Tampa Bay, Fla., are about to have their lives disrupted, not by a hurricane but by the heavily…

Solidarity with Palestine

August 22, 2012

From Atlanta to Phoenix, from Dallas to Detroit, on Aug. 17 — the International Quds Day, an annual event that…

La lucha se intensifica mientras resistencia hondureña declara la lucha por el socialismo

August 22, 2012

Algo maravilloso e histórico está ocurriendo en el pequeño país de Honduras en Centroamérica. A pesar del terror impuesto por…