Greece wracked by health-care crisis

November 1, 2012

What is the price of austerity? For many workers in Greece, it’s their health. It is being jobless and denied…

Holy Land 5 appeal rejected by Supreme Court

October 31, 2012

Noor Elashi, daughter of Holy Land 5 defendant Ghassan Elashi, describes her father’s case in the following ex­cer­pted ­article, published…

U.S. backs Bani Walid’s destruction

October 31, 2012

Despite reports that chemical weapons were used against the civilian population of Bani Walid in Libya, the U.S. State Department…

Comienzan negociaciones sobre la paz de Colombia

October 31, 2012

Los ojos del mundo estaban fijos en las pantallas de TV. TeleSUR y la BBC en español transmitieron en vivo…

Editorial: No es acto de caridad

October 31, 2012

Impulsada por la financiación de capitalistas racistas y de extrema derecha, está arrasando por todo Estados Unidos una campaña para…

Venezolanos reafirman la revolución: ‘Chávez no se va’

October 31, 2012

¡Chávez ganó! ¡El pueblo venezolano ganó! ¡América Latina y el socialismo ganaron! Estas consignas capturan el sentimiento mundial expresado cuando…

El pueblo gana una batalla contra la Autoridad de Energía Eléctrica en Puerto Rico

October 31, 2012

El pueblo de Puerto Rico ganó una vital lucha medioambiental cuando el Presidente Interino de la Autoridad de Energía Eléctica…

Conference will take up: What’s next after elections?

October 28, 2012

The U.S. presidential elections — which the bourgeois media promote 24/7 on behalf of the predatory 1% — will come…

‘Marxist School of Theory and Struggle’ draws many activists

October 28, 2012

A Marxist School of Theory and Struggle was hosted by Workers World Party in Detroit the weekend of Oct. 20-21.…

‘WWP’s politics went further’

October 28, 2012

  Andy is a student activist and public sector health-care worker in North Carolina. He is currently working as part…