Hurricane Sandy: Capitalism is the disaster, people’s power is the answer

November 4, 2012

Following is the text of the Peoples Power Assembly statement: Protest Rally & March in NYC Sat. Nov. 3 —…

Immigrant rights, LGBTQ activists fight deportation of gay immigrant

November 4, 2012

Ann Arbor, Mich. — “Free Hugo Now!” was the loud and clear message from a multinational demonstration of nearly 100…

European workers prepare for day of action

November 4, 2012

Five years ago the world banking system, the foundation of the imperialist social and economic system, fractured. Huge financial institutions…

150,000 in Rome protest austerity

November 4, 2012

Rome — Some 150,000 people marched through the rainy streets of Rome on Oct. 27 for a national “No Monti…

Ford shuts Belgium plant, workers’ party protests

November 4, 2012

Following is a statement from the Workers Party of Belgium (PTB). Today, Wednesday, Oct. 24, the hard news arrived: The…

Mumia Abu-Jamal on the politics of style

November 4, 2012

  Taken from an Oct. 14 audio column at It is a bit of a struggle to look at…

Clintons preside over inauguration of misery in Haiti

November 4, 2012

In a ceremony reeking of historic colonialism, designed to firmly seal Haiti’s status as a U.S. neocolony, former President Bill…

Life without water in New York City’s towers

November 4, 2012

New York — The 650,000 Con Edison customers in lower Manhattan without power don’t have water either unless they have hooked…

Washington aims to reorganize Syrian reactionary ‘rebels’

November 3, 2012

Despite its longtime leading role in the attempt to overthrow the Syrian government, the U.S. government is increasingly frustrated. The…

San Francisco post offices spared the axe

November 3, 2012

After a yearlong mass protest campaign, San Francisco Postmaster Raj Sanghera announced that the Bayview, Visitacion Valley and Civic Center…