Mass march protests murder of Kurdish women leaders in Paris

January 20, 2013

Tens of thousands of Kurds demonstrated in Paris on Jan. 12 following the murder of three women activists of the…

Mass protests in Haiti support Aristide

January 20, 2013

After granting notorious Haitian dictator Jean-Claude Duvalier a diplomatic passport, the Haitian government ironically called former President Jean-Bertrand Aristide in…

Auto workers support hunger striker Jorge Parra, demand justice from GM

January 18, 2013

Detroit — As the world press gathered on Jan. 14 to view the North American International Auto Show at Detroit's…

Walmart CEO protested in New York

January 18, 2013

More than 100 people from the Restaurant Opportunities Center, Occupy Wall Street Labor Outreach Committee, 99 Pickets, Desis Rising Up & Moving,…

San Francisco Labor Council calls for prosecution of police who killed Alan Blueford

January 18, 2013

The San Francisco Labor Council, a powerful assembly of labor union delegates, passed a resolution Jan. 14 in support of…

Struggle heats up against racist frame-ups in North Carolina

January 18, 2013

Durham, N.C. — On Jan. 10, a big rally took place here outside Durham County Jail to free Carlos Riley Jr.,…

Solidarity with Idle No More movement

January 18, 2013

Idle No More Boston drew supporters to a rally and drum circle on Jan. 11 — one of hundreds globally…

U.S. riches and poor health

January 18, 2013

A major study titled “U.S. Health in International Perspective: Shorter Lives, Poorer Health” was released Jan. 9 by National Academies…

On the picket line

January 18, 2013

Federal workers reject pay freeze The American Federation of Government Employees, representing 670,000 workers (including those who work for the…

NYC school bus drivers forced to strike for safety, security

January 17, 2013

New York — More than 8,000 school bus drivers who transport 152,000 pupils in this city every day, many of them…