Digamos NO a los ataques del Alcalde Bloomberg

February 19, 2013

¡ÚLTIMA HORA! El 15 de febrero, después de que los cinco candidatos a alcaldes por el Partido Demócrata hicieran un…

Free the Cuban Five!

February 19, 2013

February 24, Sunday all day, gather at 9 a.m. at 2630 16th St. NW, Washington, D.C., and stay until the right…

Chávez returns to Venezuela

February 18, 2013

In the early morning of Feb. 18, a surprising tweet from chavezcandanga, the twitter account of Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez,…

Fidel Castro to Hugo Chávez: ‘Until victory always!’

February 18, 2013

The following letter was written to Hugo Chávez by Fidel Castro just before Chávez’s return to Venezuela in the early…

Detroit rally hits back at government foreclosures and evictions

February 18, 2013

Detroit — Anti-foreclosure and anti-eviction activists and victimized homeowners from across the Detroit metropolitan area gathered at the Metro Detroit AFL-CIO…

NYC school bus strike ends, struggle continues

February 18, 2013

New York — After a month-long strike during the coldest days of winter, the executive board of the school bus drivers…

Is there a civil war in Syria?

February 17, 2013

After almost two years of fighting in Syria, it is incorrect to call the struggle a “civil war.” True, large…

What it means — What it doesn’t

February 17, 2013

Taken from a Jan. 20 audio column recorded by prisonradio.org. For the second time in American history, a Black man…

What’s up with the New York Times

February 17, 2013

When a New York Times lead editorial is titled “More Jobs, Higher Pay” (Feb. 5) you have to wonder. The…

Honduran LGBTQ leader describes repression, resistance

February 15, 2013

New York — Pepe Palacios, a LGBTQ leader and activist from the resistance movement in Honduras, spoke at an event…