Por qué debemos detener los ‘drones’ espías y asesinos

February 27, 2013

En las casi dos décadas desde que las fuerzas armadas estadounidenses los desplegara por primera vez, los “drones” generalmente han…

Lessons of the NYC school bus strike: Was it worth it?

February 26, 2013

The bourgeois media made a decision to portray the end of the New York City school bus union's four-week strike…

Spain: Firefighters refuse to serve bankers

February 26, 2013

In Coruña in Galicia, Spain, firefighters refused to play the role of sheriff. They flat out defied orders to cut…

Anti-war group discusses growing imperialist intervention in Africa

February 26, 2013

Anti-war activists from across the U.S. and Vancouver, British Columbia, joined the United National Antiwar Coalition for an educational conference…

Zimbabwe sets national elections despite sanctions

February 26, 2013

Citizens of the Southern African state of Zimbabwe are scheduled to vote on March 16 on whether to accept or…

Lucha global de liderazgo y la desaceleración económica en China

February 26, 2013

La economía china se está desacelerando, parte de la desaceleración económica global que ahora azota al mundo capitalista. China también…

Pentagon spreads anti-China hacking lies

February 25, 2013

Feb. 25 — Dramatic front-page headlines in the New York Times accusing the People’s Liberation Army of China of being…

Federal workers protest austerity, say no to ‘sequestration’

February 25, 2013

Washington, D.C. — Some 1,500 federal employees protested near the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C., demanding that Congress stop the federal…

North Carolina students and youth convene, mount fightback

February 25, 2013

Raleigh, N.C. — Nearly two years since tens of thousands of students and workers occupied  the Wisconsin state Capitol and a…

100 million join general strike in India

February 25, 2013

The working and oppressed classes of India showed their strength and determination on Feb. 20-21 with a general strike that…