Tens of thousands march for immigrant rights

April 17, 2013

Washington, D.C. — Tens of thousands of workers, primarily from Central America, marched for immigrant rights in front of the…

Georgia immigrants say, ‘Sí, se puede!’

April 17, 2013

Thousands of immigrant workers and their families rallied and marched in Atlanta, one of the many cities taking part in…

Thatcher and Gorbachev: Her other anti-worker legacy

April 17, 2013

The role of Margaret Thatcher as Britain’s Ronald Reagan — that is, as a reactionary head of state who unleashed…

Números mágicos no pueden ocultar la crisis de desempleo

April 17, 2013

El informe mensual de la Oficina de Estadísticas Laborales (BLS por las siglas en inglés), la inminente amenaza del “secuestro”…

The Boston bombing & racist media

April 16, 2013

April 16 — Much still remains unknown about the bomb explosions yesterday at the finish line of the Boston Marathon…

La Revolución Bolivariana continúa con Maduro presidente

April 16, 2013

Tarde en la noche del domingo 14 de abril el Consejo Nacional Electoral (CNE), emitió su veredicto: Nicolás Maduro ganó…

Stop the rightist coup in Venezuela

April 16, 2013

April 16 — Fascist-like elements backed by U.S. imperialism are attempting a coup against constitutional rule in Venezuela. The Venezuelan…

Community BBQ highlights Alan Blueford case

April 16, 2013

East Oakland, Calif. — The Justice for Alan Blueford Coalition held a free barbecue in Oakland’s Arroyo Viejo Park on April…

Kerry double-talks as Pentagon stokes war fever

April 15, 2013

As U.S. F-16 and A-10 fighter jets, helicopters and C-130 transport planes powered into the sky from Osan Air Base…

The recent trip to Cuba by Jay-Z and Beyonce in proper context

April 15, 2013

Recently the rapper Jay-Z released a track called “Open Letter” to answer the critics of him and his partner Beyoncé’s…