Grief and anger flow over murder of African-American transwoman in Cleveland

May 22, 2013

Despite many gains won through decades of struggle, members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer communities are often…

Former U.S. puppet convicted of genocide in Guatemala

May 22, 2013

BULLETIN: On May 20, Guatemala’s highest court threw out Rios Montt’s conviction.  Appeals are being filed. On Dec. 4, 1982,…

50 years of African Union commemorated

May 22, 2013

On May 25, 1963, 33 independent African states met in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, to form the Organization of African Unity.…

Solidarity conference with African Revolution

May 22, 2013

In Detroit, the Michigan Emergency Committee Against War & Injustice held a conference on May 18 entitled “Africa & U.S.…

Battleground North Carolina: 100+ arrests in 3 weeks resisting right-wing attacks

May 21, 2013

As this article goes to print, 57 more people were arrested during the “Moral Monday” action on May 20. More…

Thousands protest murder of NYC gay man

May 21, 2013

Thousands of people marched through New York's Greenwich Village the evening of May 20 to protest the murder of Mark…

Central Park 5, Jena 6 and the Scottsboro Brothers

May 21, 2013

The corporate-owned media reviews of the movie “The Central Park Five,” just released on DVD, focus mainly on the pathos…

‘Nakba’ significa desastre, pero no entrega

May 21, 2013

El 15 de mayo marca el 65º aniversario del inicio de lo que los/as palestinos/as y sus partidarios/as llaman el…

Afroamericanos/as más vulnerables a los propuestos recortes federales

May 21, 2013

La administración Obama propone recortes masivos en programas federales esenciales. El cambio del cálculo ("chained") del Índice de Precios al…

Free Lynne Stewart now!

May 20, 2013

The lifesaving struggle to free Lynne Stewart, “the people’s lawyer,” continues.  Following a full-house rally on May 9 at St.…