CELAC Summit in Havana challenges U.S. domination

February 5, 2014

The development of countries and regions is an ongoing dialectical process, just as the peoples' movements throughout the world are.…

Porqué $1,3 millones que GM invierte, crean sólo un puesto de trabajo

February 5, 2014

El 13 de diciembre, la General Motors anunció con gran fanfarria que iba a invertir $1,3 mil millones de dólares,…

Parásitos del planeta

February 5, 2014

No debería sorprender a ningún trabajador/a que los ricos se están haciendo más ricos, mientras que la mayoría de las…

South African platinum strike continues amid threats of more layoffs

February 4, 2014

Feb. 3 — A government mediation team is seeking to resolve the ongoing strike in the platinum industry in the…

Drilling industry tramps on anti-fracking activist’s rights

February 4, 2014

Northeast Pennsylvania’s Marcellus Shale is ground zero for the impact of hydraulic fracturing — fracking — on rural communities. The process involves injecting…

Why each $1.3 million GM invests creates just one job

February 3, 2014

On Dec. 13, General Motors announced with great fanfare that it was going to invest $1.3 billion, mostly in Flint,…

Airlines grab billions, leave workers in misery

February 3, 2014

Airlines profits have been bolstered by billions in government subsidies. Meanwhile, wages for airlines’ contract service workers have dropped up…

Solidarity with Guadeloupe’s unions

February 3, 2014

Jocelyn Lapitre, a leading trade unionist from Guadeloupe, visited New York from Jan. 21 to Jan. 24 to garner support…

Shale oil train derails in Philly

February 1, 2014

Philadelphia — On Jan. 20, seven cars of a mile-long freight train operated by CSX Corporation and carrying Bakken Shale…

Environmental racism grows in North Carolina

February 1, 2014

Although African-American communities in North Carolina are already more than twice as likely as others to be burdened with landfills…