‘Hard Times Conference’ to set socialist agenda for South

March 11, 2014

Durham, N.C. — These are hard times. In the midst of objectively worsening conditions for workers and the oppressed —…

The Albany, N.Y., oil train: A ticking time bomb

March 11, 2014

Albany, N.Y. — Thirteen oil-filled tanker rail cars derailed on Feb. 28 at the sprawling CSX rail yard in Selkirk,…

Who killed 100 in Maidan Square?

March 10, 2014

An intercepted phone call between two top-level European officials has raised this question: Was the “opposition” responsible for shooting about…

WW salutes women in struggle!

March 8, 2014

March 8 is International Working Women’s Day. This special day honors the struggles of women against inequality, oppression and war.…

Every issue is a woman’s issue

March 8, 2014

The following text came from an updated brochure issued by the International Working Women’s Day coalition in New York City.…

Make history: Build Workers World

March 8, 2014

March is Women’s History Month, when Workers World makes a special effort to cover women’s issues, especially struggles that have…

Anti-war coalition says, ‘U.S. hands off Ukraine and Venezuela’

March 7, 2014

Workers World publishes here in full the statement by the United National Antiwar Coalition, which demands "U.S. Hands off Ukraine…

On the picket line

March 7, 2014

Huge wage theft in port trucking industry The National Employment Law Project issued a report Feb. 19 that revealed what…

Workers Assembly unites Southern fightback

March 7, 2014

Workers from across the Raleigh- Durham, N.C., area and from many different workplaces gathered in a Local Worker Assembly sponsored…

Bury Jim Crow! Organize the South!

March 7, 2014

The following excerpted remarks were made by Eva Panjwani, a leading member of the Durham, N.C., branch of Workers World…