Uruguay president says: Yes to Gitmo prisoners, now what about Cuban 5?

March 27, 2014

Uruguayan President Jose Mujica broke through the U.S. corporate media blockade and made headlines about the Cuban 5 heroes —…

Golpe estratégico al Pentágono en Crimea

March 27, 2014

Crisis de Ucrania retrasa avance de la OTAN hacia el este 19 de marzo - La abrumadora participación popular de…

Quiénes somos y por qué luchamos

March 27, 2014

¿Odias el capitalismo? El Partido Workers World-Mundo Obrero lucha por una sociedad socialista — en la cual la riqueza es…

What a fascist video looks like

March 26, 2014

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Shouldn’t a moving picture be worth even more? Take the video…

Defend Bolivarian Venezuela!

March 26, 2014

Supporters of the Bolivarian Revolution in Venezuela turned out for a rally in Boston on March 22. The event was…

U.S. bombing of Serbia, after 15 years

March 25, 2014

The following statement was issued March 24 by the International Action Center in advance of a demonstration outside the United…

The Iraqi resistance is justified, prosecute the criminals

March 25, 2014

Workers World newspaper publishes below the statement of the Spanish Campaign Against the Occupation and for the Sovereignty of Iraq…

Judge allows same-sex couples to marry in Michigan

March 24, 2014

On March 21, Michigan became the 18th state to allow same-sex couples to marry. Federal Judge Bernard Friedman, appointed to…

Women speak on struggle, resistance & solidarity

March 24, 2014

Workers World Party sponsored an extraordinary panel of women activists at its annual International Working Women’s Month forum in New…

Extreme inequality growing

March 24, 2014

Class exploitation at the root The International Monetary Fund recently published a paper sounding the alarm about the global trend…