Detroiters reject austerity

April 3, 2014

April 1 — More than 500 loud and angry workers marched at the federal bankruptcy court in Detroit to voice…

Egypt: The Kerry-Sisi plan

April 2, 2014

A military dictatorship in Egypt behind the facade of an “elected” president. If it proves stable enough to protect the…

U.S., EU strengthen grip on Ukraine

April 1, 2014

March 31 —  The U.S. imperialists are trying to strengthen their grip on Ukraine, having seized the reins in Kiev…

Ukraine: Coup regime raids home of Odessa anti-fascist leader

April 1, 2014

April 1 — On the morning of April 1, Ukrainian Security Forces (SBU) agents raided the apartment of Odessa, Ukraine,…

From Latin America: Anti-imperialist solidarity with Venezuela

April 1, 2014

Mexico City, March 28 — Progressives in Latin America and the Caribbean have put defense of the Venezuelan government and…

Como es un video fascista

April 1, 2014

Se dice que una foto vale más que mil palabras. ¿No debería una imagen animada valer aún más? Tomemos el…

Destitución del alcalde de Bogotá amenaza conversaciones de paz

April 1, 2014

El derechista Procurador General de Colombia, usando métodos ilegales depuso al alcalde de Bogotá quien fuera popularmente elegido, amenazando así…

Detroiters object to austerity plan

April 1, 2014

The city of Detroit bankruptcy case is being played out in a courtroom far removed from the real future of…

March for $15 minimum wage takes place in Bay Area

April 1, 2014

Oakland, Calif. -- Organized by UNITE HERE Local 2850, on March 27 several hundred East Bay hotel, restaurant and stadium…

San Francisco cops kill again

April 1, 2014

People demand justice for Alejandro Nieto The San Francisco’s Mission District community was shocked and angered by the news of…