Importancia singular del Sur de los EUA

April 8, 2014

Los siguientes extractos son de un documento escrito por las/os miembros de la rama del Partido Workers World /Mundo Obrero…

Ukraine: People’s power vs. fascist repression

April 8, 2014

Dramatic events April 6-8 have brought Ukraine to the brink of civil war. The rebellion by Ukraine’s Southeastern region —…

All out for Mumia Abu-Jamal’s 60th birthday

April 8, 2014

Philadelphia -- On April 24, political prisoner and world-renowned journalist Mumia Abu-Jamal turns 60. He has spent over half his…

Black Workers for Justice banquet

April 8, 2014

Black Workers for Justice held their 31st annual Martin Luther King Jr. Support for Labor Banquet in Raleigh, N.C., on…

Seminar in Mexico: Fighting U.S. intervention takes front burner

April 8, 2014

Some 260 leftist political activists from 39 countries, mostly in Latin America and the Caribbean but including people from around…

National actions say ‘Not one more deportation!’

April 7, 2014

More than 80 events were held across the U.S. around the theme of “Not 1 More Deportation!” on April 5,…

Several African states boycott EU summit

April 7, 2014

The planned April 2-3 summit between the European Union and African nation-states has met with controversy and rejection. The republics…

Marxism and long-term unemployment

April 5, 2014

A study published by Heidi Shierholz of the Economic Policy Institute in January compiled figures on unemployment that have important…

Teachers hold national strike in Britain

April 5, 2014

Teachers across Britain went on strike March 26 over pay, pensions and teaching conditions. The National Union of Teachers got…

South Africa platinum strike: Mine bosses threaten layoffs

April 5, 2014

Efforts by South Africa’s government, led by the African National Congress, to initiate mediation between the Association of Mineworkers and…