New York actions push $15 minimum wage

April 16, 2014

The People’s Power Assembly Movement, along with allies like OccuEvolve, took to the streets of New York City with signs…

Los Angeles activists plan car caravan for low-wage workers

April 16, 2014

A “Low-Wage Campaign” community speakout was held April 12 in Los Angeles at the Harriet Tubman Center for Social Justice,…

Justice for Alfred Wright! Stop racist lynchings!

April 16, 2014

After the dragging death of African-American James Byrd Jr. in 1998, three white supremacists were convicted of one of the…

National Urban League report illustrates decline in employment and wages for African Americans, Latinos/as

April 16, 2014

Even though the administration of President Barack Obama has said that the Great Recession has been over for four years,…

Milicias marchan en defensa de la Revolución Bolivariana

April 16, 2014

“Cada 11 tiene su 13”. Bajo este lema se celebró el Día de la Dignidad Nacional y Día de la…

Big Oil, Wall Street, Pentagon drive ‘New Cold War’ against Russia

April 15, 2014

April 14 — A U.S.-backed coup in Kiev has brought Ukraine to the brink of civil war. CIA director John…

After CIA head visits Kiev, Ukraine junta opens assault on Southeast

April 15, 2014

April 15 — A coordinated military attack has begun against the anti-fascist resistance in Southeastern Ukraine. The attack began hours…

Chicago anti-war meeting on Ukraine beats back fascists

April 15, 2014

Anti-war and anti-imperialist activists in Chicago held a successful public teach-in on U.S.-NATO aggression against Ukraine and Russia on April…

60 years after the general strike in Honduras — ‘May is the road to victory’

April 15, 2014

This article was first published in Honduras in 1963 and was recently translated into English by Lucy Pagoada-Quesada. Amaya was…

Massive political concert denounces Turkish regime

April 15, 2014

One of the largest concentrations of Turkish people opposing the Turkish regime, nearly 750,000 people, gathered on April 13 at…