Voices of oppressed ring out in New York’s Union Square

May 7, 2014

Union Square, New York City — Since a migrant upsurge in 2006 revived May Day in the United States, Union…

Detroit May Day: ‘Make the banks pay!’

May 7, 2014

May Day in Detroit focused around the ongoing struggle against emergency management, the forced city bankruptcy and the role of…

GUILTY: Washington, Kiev responsible for Odessa massacre

May 6, 2014

May 4 — Imagine a gathering of diverse activists in a medium-sized U.S. city, representing low-wage workers, communities mobilizing against…

UKRAINE: U.S. behind attacks on resistance

May 6, 2014

May 4 — U.S. imperialism has orchestrated and approved a new military offensive against the anti-Kiev resistance in towns and…

World Economic Forum hosted by Nigeria amid internal security crises

May 6, 2014

Africa’s leading oil-exporting state and most populous country, Nigeria has been designated by the West as Africa's largest economy, yet…

Mumia’s 60th birthday re-energizes the struggle to free him

May 6, 2014

Philadelphia — Three days of events organized to accelerate the struggle to bring political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal home kicked off…

‘Central Park Five’ rally at City Hall: A tale of two de Blasios

May 6, 2014

New York — On April 17, the December 12th Movement held a large, diverse rally at City Hall here to bring attention…

Bay Area celebrates Mumia’s birthday

May 6, 2014

Lynne Stewart, Ramona Africa, Pam Africa and Ralph Poynter were greeted by a packed, standing-room-only house in Oakland, Calif., on…

Young Black woman brutalized by BART police and jail cops

May 5, 2014

Oakland, Calif. -- The Bay Area Rapid Transit police have achieved notoriety once again, this time with the brutalization of…

Oklahoma execution exposes death penalty: Cruel but usual

May 5, 2014

The heart attack that killed death row prisoner Clayton Lockett on April 29 after the state of Oklahoma tried to…