Apoyemos a las/os trabajadores de comida rápida

May 21, 2014

Publicado el 15 de mayo Dedicamos nuestro espacio editorial de esta semana a una declaración del Partido Mundo Obrero/Workers World.…

Honduras: violence and repression continue five years after U.S.-backed coup

May 20, 2014

Almost five years after a military coup on behalf of the Honduran right-wing ruling class overthrew the elected government of…

Imperialists host conference on Nigerian security in Paris

May 20, 2014

Reports of mutinies within the army mount while tensions escalate A conference on security concerns in Nigeria, the most populous…

War against the left in Ukraine

May 20, 2014

May 20 — Following the massacre of nearly 50 anti-fascists in the Ukrainian port city of Odessa on May 2,…

Fast food workers strike

May 20, 2014

Something new happened on the planet on May 15. Low-wage workers in the fast food industry and their supporters went…

Rev. Edward Pinkney criminalized again, under house arrest in Benton Harbor, Mich.

May 20, 2014

After winning national support in 2007-09 during efforts to fight charges of alleged election irregularities, the Rev. Edward Pinkney has…

Se opone Venezuela a la intromisión EUA

May 20, 2014

Mientras los ojos del mundo se centran en los sucesos de Ucrania, el imperio estadounidense se aprovecha para intensificar su…

West Virginia mine disaster leaves two miners dead

May 19, 2014

Wharton, W.Va. -- Two West Virginia coal miners were killed on May 12 in an accident that took place at…

Communist Party of Turkey: ‘Turkey will always remember you!’

May 19, 2014

The following statement was written by the Communist Party of Turkey, Central Office, on May 14: • All of Turkey…

Detroiters: ‘No cuts to our pensions!’

May 19, 2014

Ballots will be sent the week of May 12 to tens of thousands of city of Detroit retirees to vote…