Water is a right

May 29, 2014

Detroiters fight shutoffs May 26 — The city of Detroit recently began to cut off water to residents behind in…

U.S. blesses fraudulent Ukraine election

May 29, 2014

May 27 — The U.S.-backed junta of neoliberal politicians, oligarchs and fascists, which came to power in a coup against…

Austerity, imperialism & disease

May 28, 2014

Airport malaria is common in Europe. The region is the destination of travelers from many parts of the world, like…

Elombe Brath, a fighter for African liberation

May 27, 2014

Elombe Brath, a world-renown Pan-Africanist who promoted the national liberation of all African people from racism, neo-colonialism and imperialism, died…

Para terminar el conflicto entre China y Vietnam

May 27, 2014

Editorial Workers World-Mundo Obrero Un peligroso conflicto ha estallado entre la República Popular China y la República Socialista de Vietnam…

Guerrilla colombiana sigue luchando

May 27, 2014

Dos importantes acontecimientos que involucran al movimiento guerrillero colombiano han ocurrido esta semana: el cese al fuego durante el período…

Protests say: ‘Stop U.S. march to war’’

May 27, 2014

“No to fascism in Ukraine! No war with Russia!” was the theme of the International Action Center protest in New…

President Oligarch — the natural result of Euromaidan

May 27, 2014

Statement of Union Borotba (Struggle) on Ukraine’s “elections of blood" Following is a report and analysis of the May 25…

Venezuela-Palestine fuel deal

May 26, 2014

Bolivarian Venezuela continued its support for Palestine liberation that existed consistently during the 15 years when Hugo Chávez was president.…