Salinas police kill three Latino men in 90 days

June 2, 2014

On May 20, the police killing of Carlos Mejía, a 44-year-old from El Salvador, marked the third such killing in Salinas,…

Stockton, Calif., police arrest James Rivera’s father during peaceful march

June 2, 2014

Stockton, Calif. -- The family and friends of James Rivera Jr. held the 3rd Annual Speak-Out for victims of police violence…

Food is a right’ people’s assembly planned for Aug. 16 in Chicago

June 2, 2014

By J. White and Doc White Chicago The first of eight goals set by the United Nations “Millennium Declaration” in…

General Baker 1941-2014

June 1, 2014

A standing-room-only audience at the United Auto Workers Local 600 hall on Detroit’s border in Dearborn, Mich., attended a memorial…

Workers take action at BWI Airport

June 1, 2014

On May 22, fast-food workers at Baltimore-Washington/Thurgood Marshall Airport, supported by UNITE HERE Local 7, picketed the airport in three…

No to U.S intervention in Syrian election

May 31, 2014

Following is the statement of the International Action Center on the upcoming election in Syria. The Syrian people are holding…

Class struggle and income inequality

May 31, 2014

Thomas Piketty has become famous because he’s pointed out that there has been a significant increase in wealth inequality in…

Trial of Rasmea Odeh set for Oct. 21

May 30, 2014

We publish below an article from Fight Back! News giving an update on the trial of Rasmea Odeh. May 29…

Ukraine’s Donbass is today’s Vietnam

May 30, 2014

Following are excerpts from an article by Victor Shapinov, a member of the socialist organization Union Borotba (Struggle). It is…

Federal gov’t ‘employs’ immigrants in slave labor detention

May 29, 2014

Yet another example of the urgent need for the anti-mass-incarceration movement to unite with the immigrant rights struggle was highlighted…