Detroiters say, ‘End water shutoffs!’

June 13, 2014

Detroit Freedom Friday 5 gathered in front of the Detroit Water and Sewerage Department building on June 6. Activists opposing…

Trial set for Benton Harbor, Mich., activist Rev. Edward Pinkney

June 13, 2014

St. Joseph, Mich. --  Berrien County’s courthouse in St. Joseph, Mich., was filled with people from across the Midwest at…

Jerome Jackson, warrior on wheels

June 13, 2014

Detroit -- Jerome Jackson, 58, an activist in the fight for social justice, died on May 11 after battling cancer.…

March demands union at charter schools

June 13, 2014

Philadelphia, June 4 — Today, teachers, parents and community members marched up and down North 5th Street, a largely Latino/a…

Unions picket: Staples Corporate octopus threatens postal jobs

June 12, 2014

American Postal Workers Union members and Stanford University students picketed outside a meeting of the board of directors of Staples…

Racist Boston school plan protested by oppressed communities

June 12, 2014

Hundreds of angry African-American, Latino/a and Haitian parents and Boston school bus drivers filled Roxbury’s Madison Park High School on…

Baltimore FIST fights anti-youth law

June 12, 2014

The Baltimore chapter of Fight Imperialism/Stand Together took to the streets outside City Hall on June 2 to protest a…

Syria’s elections: Big setback to imperialist war plans

June 11, 2014

Damascus, Syria -- Nearly 12 million Syrians cast their ballots on June 3 at 9,601 open polling sites across Syria…

Motor City Pride

June 11, 2014

“Motor City Pride,” a June 7-8 festival with a march the second day, drew tens of thousands from all over…

Ukrainian resister: ’Automatic weapons are deciding all’

June 11, 2014

In this article, Sergei Kirichuk evaluates the current situation in Ukraine as new President Peter Poroshenko continues a bloody “anti-terrorist…