Dissecting Ukraine’s ‘democracy’: Poroshenko and the neo-Nazis

July 11, 2014

Victor Shapinov of the Ukrainian Marxist organization Union Borotba (Struggle) here analyzes the forces at work behind the announcement by…

Interview with Borotba — ‘They hate us because we are communists’

July 11, 2014

Workers World is publishing parts of this interview by Andrej Hunko, who is a member of the German Bundestag (Parliament)…

100 years later — what caused World War I?

July 11, 2014

On June 28 just a century ago, Gavrilo Princip, a 19-year-old patriot from the oppressed nation of Bosnia-Herzegovina, assassinated Archduke Ferdinand…

Behind the Supreme Court’s reactionary rulings

July 11, 2014

The Supreme Court finished its spring term with a reactionary siege on women’s and workers’ rights. The court assailed women’s…

Gay Honduran describes gov’t repression

July 10, 2014

Workers World managing editor LeiLani Dowell spoke with Nelson Arambú, a leader of the LGBT ­community in Honduras and a…

Israel prepares criminal invasion of Gaza

July 9, 2014

July 9 — The Israeli apartheid state has called up as many as 40,000 reserve troops to prepare for an…

¡Alto al ataque israelí contra Palestina!

July 9, 2014

Editorial Workers World-Mundo Obrero, 1 de julio, 2014 Temprano esta mañana, las autoridades israelíes utilizaron la muerte de tres adolescentes…

El Tribunal más alto ataca a las mujeres

July 9, 2014

El Tribunal Supremo lo ha hecho de nuevo. Otorgó nuevos derechos a las corporaciones. Todo lo que una corporación tiene…

No deportations of migrant youth!

July 9, 2014

Refugee status for detained children NOW Activists put a sardonic but accurate twist on the Fourth of July so-called celebration.…

Oakland, Calif., groups denounce immigrant detentions

July 9, 2014

Oakland, Calif. -- The East Bay Immigrant Youth Coalition and the California Immigrant Youth Justice Alliance held a press conference…