Pride marchers in San Diego, Calif., call for global solidarity

July 23, 2014

The yearly San Diego Pride Parade is southern California’s largest Pride event. This year, held on July 19, it was…

¡Apoyemos a Gaza!

July 23, 2014

Cuando la opresión hace de la vida un infierno para quienes la sufren, no puede haber ningún fin a su…

Desafiando racistas, grupo da bienvenida a refugiadas/os

July 23, 2014

Cuando jóvenes activistas de Houston descubrieron que un grupo racista anti-inmigrante llamado Alto al Imán iba a estar de nuevo…

Tribunal de Quiebras aborda cortes de agua en Detroit

July 23, 2014

Por la Oficina WW/MO Detroit El espectáculo de circo del Tribunal de Quiebras de Estados Unidos en el proceso de…

We are all Gaza

July 22, 2014

U.S. provides, weapons, diplomatic cover for Israeli ethnic cleansing in Gaza July 22 — Israel’s horrific assault on the people…

U.S. protests in solidarity with people of Gaza

July 22, 2014

As people of conscience around the world condemn the genocidal Israeli invasion of Gaza, protesters inside the U.S. are among…

Worldwide solidarity with Gaza

July 22, 2014

Often the corporate media use the term “international community” to give weight to an opinion that is really the opinion…

France: Thousands defy ban on pro-Palestinian protests

July 22, 2014

According to the French newspaper Le Monde, on July 19 between 6,000 and 8,000 people showed up at a banned…

Senate hearing airs pro/con views about abortion

July 22, 2014

The Senate Judiciary Committee convened a hearing July 15 about the Women’s Health Protection Act. The law is needed to…

Detroit: Thirsty for justice

July 22, 2014

July 21 — The Detroit Water & Sewerage Department announced at a federal bankruptcy court hearing before Judge Steven Rhodes…