Eric Garner & the capitalist state

August 13, 2014

“The prevailing ideas [in society] are those of the ruling class,” said Karl Marx. Carried a step further, this stroke…

‘Water for Gaza and Detroit!’

August 13, 2014

In an effort to calm the storms related to the massive water shutoffs in Detroit, corporate Mayor Mike Duggan issued…

The blue plague

August 13, 2014

Justice for Michael Brown! The grim news that police have killed yet another unarmed African-American youth comes this time from…

U.S. reopens war on Iraq

August 12, 2014

Aug. 11 — President Barack Obama has now become the fourth successive U.S. president to order the bombing of Iraq,…

From Gaza to the Bronx: We charge genocide

August 12, 2014

This article is dedicated to the honor and memory of the Four Little Footballers: Mohammed Bakr (11), Ahed Bakr (11),…

Carta de un veterano del ejército israelí

August 12, 2014

Yo era miembro de las fuerzas armadas israelíes de 1972 - 1975 y participé en las ocupaciones ilegales sionistas de…

EUA comete crímenes de guerra en Gaza

August 12, 2014

Mientras voceros del gobierno estadounidense cínicamente condenaban el bombardeo israelí en Gaza de una escuela de la ONU que estaba…

Masacre de Gaza expone demócratas

August 12, 2014

Si usted no se había percatado del verdadero papel del Partido Demócrata, la masacre por el ejército israelí contra civiles…

Colombian GM workers continue fight

August 11, 2014

A group of injured workers set up a tent encampment outside the U.S. Embassy in Bogotá, Colombia, on Aug. 1,…

Gaza slaughter exposes Democrats

August 9, 2014

If your eyes weren’t open to the true role of the Democratic Party, the Israeli military’s slaughter of Palestinian civilians…