Broad coalition builds for single-payer health care

September 13, 2014

The Affordable Care Act has made a dent in the glaring lack of health care for many millions of poor…

WWP on solidarity with low-wage workers

September 13, 2014

Below are excerpts from a talk given by Larry Holmes, Workers World Party first secretary, at a WWP forum in…

Ferguson, Mo., and Detroit: What do they have in common?

September 11, 2014

The foreclosure crisis has had a negative impact on the people of the St. Louis suburb of Ferguson, Mo., the…

Somalia: Retaliation car bomb kills four U.S. officials

September 11, 2014

A reported car bomb rammed into a convoy of troops of the African Union Mission to Somalia (AMISOM) on Sept.…

U.S. actions say ‘Free the Cuban 5’

September 11, 2014

Sept. 12 is the 16th anniversary of the day when police snatched five Cuban men from their beds. Three of…

Donbass militias evaluate cease-fire

September 10, 2014

The popular militias united in the Novorossian Armed Forces of the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics are composed of workers…

Donbass People’s Republics: Ceasefire and class struggle

September 10, 2014

A ceasefire agreement signed in Minsk, Belarus, on Sept. 5, under the auspices of the Trilateral Contact Group, went into…

War on ISIL?

September 10, 2014

Imperialist heads of state at the Sept. 4-5 NATO Summit in Newport, Wales, met under U.S. pressure to escalate their…

Ebola crisis: Rich countries must respond

September 9, 2014

In Liberia, where many people have been killed by the Ebola virus, nurses and physicians went on strike on Sept.…

Nashville, Tenn., youth rebel against mass incarceration

September 9, 2014

The scene could have been scripted by Hollywood, except this time the prison guards and cops were certainly not the…