‘We still need $15 and a union – now!’

September 29, 2014

Organizations in Los Angeles are attempting to put a $15-an-hour minimum wage referendum on the ballot for that city. John…

U.S. bombs Syria, opens new war in Middle East

September 29, 2014

Sept. 28 — The U.S. military machine has opened up a new bombing campaign, this one within the boundaries of…

National convergence in Ferguson Oct. 9-13

September 28, 2014

The following excerpts are from a statement released by the “Hands Up” coalition, comprised of mainly St. Louis County activists,…

Where is justice for Michael Brown?

September 28, 2014

Legal expert Lisa Bloom told Chris Hayes on his “All In” show on MSNBC on September 17: “Every time this…

Oct. 8: Protest the bosses

September 28, 2014

A protest will be held against the World Business Forum on Wednesday, Oct. 8, starting at 4 p.m. at Radio…

The meaning of Ferguson

September 27, 2014

Aug. 31 — Before recent days, who among us had ever heard of Ferguson, Missouri? Because of what happened there,…

Growing labor support for the Cuban Five

September 27, 2014

The Service Employees union headquarters ground-floor meeting room in Washington, D.C., was standing-room-only on Sept. 13 for the premiere of…

Congress backs Obama’s ‘war on Islamic State’

September 27, 2014

Washington slid further down the slippery slope toward a new major war in Western Asia as Congress voted support for…

From exile, anti-fascists organize for imprisoned comrades

September 27, 2014

Simferopol, Crimea On Sept. 20, the 15th day following a cease-fire agreement brokered by Russia and the Organization for Security…

FARC-EP statement on Ukraine

September 27, 2014

True to our anti-imperialist and anti-fascist commitment, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia-People’s Army, FARC-EP, strongly condemns the vile aggression…