Ebola and the real health crisis

November 11, 2014

Taken from an Oct. 15 audio column at prisonradio.org With the death of Mr. Thomas Eric Duncan shortly after his…

Benton Harbor, Mich., Civil Rights activist convicted by all-white jury

November 7, 2014

The Rev. Edward Pinkney was found guilty of five felony counts of forgery stemming from a recall campaign against Mayor…

Memorial for audacious GI union leader

November 7, 2014

The memorial for Andy Stapp on Nov. 1 turned into a reunion of members and supporters of the American Servicemen’s…

Haiti: Cancelled elections spark big protests

November 7, 2014

If you don’t hold elections, you can’t lose them. This maxim, which the Duvalierist dictatorships upheld for decades in Haiti…

New York protest says, ‘Odessa, Donbass, we are with you’

November 7, 2014

A sudden cold snap and whipping winds couldn’t keep fired-up activists from protesting at the U.S. military recruitment center in…

Syracuse, N.Y., students fight for equal education for all

November 7, 2014

Syracuse, N.Y. -- Chanting “Education is a right, not just for the rich and white!” students marched on the administration…

Class forces in the Ukrainian civil war

November 7, 2014

Simferopol, Crimea — Workers World has conducted an extensive interview with Victor Shapinov, a coordinator and leading theoretician of the…

Solidarity statements on Odessa massacre

November 7, 2014

Workers World is publishing excerpts from solidarity statements received by the International Action Center on the six-month anniversary of the…

Ukraine communists comment on elections in Donetsk and Lugansk

November 7, 2014

On Nov. 2, against the backdrop of the U.S. and NATO’s provocative “Iron Sword” war games in nearby Lithuania, residents…

Thousands say “We’re not mascots” at Minneapolis protest

November 7, 2014

By Chris Getowicz Republished from an article at fightbacknews.org Minneapolis, Minn. — Over five thousand people joined eleven tribal nations…