Response to “Spinning illusions: The anti-American left and the Ukraine war” – a new McCarthyism

August 25, 2023

Recently, articles have appeared on the front page of the New York Times that smear Code Pink, The People’s Forum…

PDF of August 24 issue

August 23, 2023

Download the PDF. Disaster capitalists target Native lands in Maui Palestine Writes Festival returns Reinstate Steve at Trader Joe’s UAW…

Protesters in New York demand an end to U.S.-French domination in West Africa

August 23, 2023

Demonstrators gathered in front of the French Mission to the United Nations in New York City Aug. 22 at a…

Protest hits profit gouging in Texas prisons: Roll back water prices now!

August 23, 2023

Houston Activists demonstrated here Aug. 19 against a corporation, Royal Pacific International, because during this summer of dangerous heat it…

Alaska Airlines flight attendants say: ‘Pay us or CHAOS!’

August 23, 2023

Seattle Some 400 to 500 flight attendants at Alaska Airlines rallied and marched on Seattle-Tacoma International Airport Aug. 15 for…

Disaster capitalists target Native lands on Maui

August 22, 2023

The destruction from the wildfires still raging on Kānaka Maoli (Native Hawaiian) lands in Hawaiʻi continues to worsen. The worst…

Trader Joe’s United pickets Boston corporate HQ: ‘Reinstate Steve now!’

August 22, 2023

Boston A powerful delegation of rank-and-file Trader Joe’s United (TJU) workers traveled over four hours in driving rain Aug. 15…

The legacy of Black August

August 21, 2023

The following excerpts are from a Black August tribute given by Workers World managing editor Monica Moorehead at an Aug.…

¡No a la invasión de Níger apoyada por EE.UU./Francia!

August 21, 2023

“Cuando África llegue a ser económicamente libre y políticamente unida, los monopolistas se encontrarán cara a cara con su propia…

Haiti: U.N. sanctioned occupation is a done deal

August 18, 2023

The U.S. government has finally found a country in the Global South willing to lead a U.N.-approved intervention “to assist…