Lección de las elecciones 2014: Luchar por un partido obrero

November 19, 2014

"A los oprimidos se les permite una vez cada ciertos años decidir qué representante de la clase opresora les representará…

Leslie Feinberg – A communist who revolutionized transgender rights

November 18, 2014

Leslie Feinberg, who identified as an anti-racist white, working-class, secular Jewish, transgender, lesbian, female, revolutionary communist, died on Nov. 15.…

Boston school bus drivers versus capital, low wages

November 16, 2014

On Nov. 24, the Boston school bus drivers will gather at a courthouse to show support for grievance chair and…

Ebola, poverty & reparations

November 16, 2014

The latest news about Ebola is both reassuring and tragic. On the hopeful side, it confirms that this deadly virus…

Belgium: 150,000 march against austerity

November 16, 2014

Workers in Belgium showed that they had had enough. The latest cuts to their living standards brought them out in…

German rail workers strike

November 16, 2014

The German train drivers’ union, the GDL, struck the German railroad company Deutsche Bahn on Nov. 6 for the third…

On elections in Donestsk and Lugansk

November 16, 2014

On Nov. 2, against the backdrop of the U.S. and NATO’s provocative “Iron Sword” war games in nearby Lithuania, residents…

U.S. to double troops in Iraq

November 16, 2014

President Barack Obama more than doubled U.S. participation in the new war on Iraq on Nov. 7 by ordering an…

Los Angeles activists petition for $15 minimum wage

November 15, 2014

The city of Los Angeles has a $15 Minimum Wage Ballot Initiative, introduced by the Los Angeles Workers Assembly, which…

Lawsuit challenges Mumia-muzzling act

November 15, 2014

Attorneys representing political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal filed a lawsuit in federal court in Harrisburg, Pa., on Nov. 10 seeking to…