Oakland, Calif., WWP hosts resistance fighters

February 3, 2015

Oakland, Calif. -- At a Workers World Party meeting here on Jan. 31, Imani Henry asked the audience, "How do…

‘Don’t privatize Oakland schools!’

February 3, 2015

Several hundred Oakland Education Association teachers as well as students and parents rallied outside an Oakland Unified School District Board…

Banks bailed out — themselves

February 3, 2015

Detroit, Feb. 1 — When the Troika — the International Monetary Fund, European Commission and European Central Bank — disbursed…

Cómo la Rebelión de Glenville ganó brevemente control comunitario en 1968

February 3, 2015

La práctica de la policía de asesinatos, brutalidad y hostigamiento de las comunidades negras no es un fenómeno nuevo. Tampoco…

Lo que Obama omitió

February 3, 2015

Editorial Workers World-Mundo Obrero del 26 de enero El "Estado de la Unión" es el discurso presidencial anual que supuestamente…

Despite historic blizzard, bus drivers pack court for union militant

February 2, 2015

Boston, Feb. 2 — A record-breaking snowstorm has shut down streets, schools and airline flights throughout the Northeast. With 34.1…

Syriza’s first anti-austerity moves hearten masses

February 2, 2015

Maneuvers begin as bankers push back The new left social-democratic government of the Syriza party was swept into office in…

Baltimore PPA protests new killings by cops

February 2, 2015

Within a two-day period in late January, the Baltimore City Police Department shot two Black people, killing one of them.…

Atlanta cop kills 911 caller

February 2, 2015

Atlanta -- Kevin Davis’ family and friends are in disbelief and sorrow. How could police have shot and killed Davis,…

Tribute held for MOVE 9 member Phil Africa

February 2, 2015

A standing-room-only crowd gathered at the Kingsessing Recreational Center in Philadelphia on Jan. 31 for a celebration of the life…