Lessons from Chile, 1973

September 11, 2023

Fifty years ago, on Sept. 11, 1973, the generals and admirals in the Chilean armed forces led a coup against…

Filadelfia: ¡Justicia para Junito (Eddie Irizarry Jr.)!

September 11, 2023

Sólo pasaron cinco segundos entre el momento en que el agente de policía Mark Dial salió de su coche y…

The left’s reaction to the BRICS

September 8, 2023

The author is editor of jornalmudardevida.net, a Portuguese Marxist web magazine. Published Sept. 4, 2023, this article was translated into…

From Managua
Solidarity delegation joins Nicaragua’s celebration of 1979 revolution

September 8, 2023

Managua, Nicaragua O’Brien, from Portland, Ore., and Mairead Skehan-Gillis from Boston represented Workers World Party as part of a solidarity…

32BJ Justice for Janitors march in Philadelphia

September 7, 2023

Philadelphia Hundreds of unionized office cleaners, maintenance staff, mechanics and other building workers marched, chanted and carried picket signs and…

ON STRIKE: Southern Washington Educators

September 7, 2023

A huge picket line stretched nearly a half mile around the Washington State Evergreen Public Schools headquarters on Sept. 1.…

No U.S./U.N.-backed military intervention in Haiti

September 7, 2023

The United States has been looking for a new way to intervene in Haiti for nearly two years. The multiple…

PDF of September 7 issue

September 7, 2023

Download the PDF. Striketember 2023 Flight attendants prepare to fight Organizing upsurge wins pro-union NLRB ruling Justice for Junito! World:…

Justice for Junito!

September 6, 2023

There were just five seconds between when police officer Mark Dial got out of his police car and when he…

Death toll mounts at Fulton County Jail

September 6, 2023

Atlanta In the last five weeks, five inmates have died while being held at the massive Fulton County Jail in…