Railroad crossings cause train deaths

February 11, 2015

By a railroad worker Six people died horrible deaths when a Metro-North commuter train collided with a sports utility vehicle…

Relevance of Puerto Rico at the CELAC Summit

February 11, 2015

On the international level there are many unknowns about the struggle for the independence of Puerto Rico. This often leads…

Greek debt, austerity and past military contracts

February 10, 2015

Since the 2008 capitalist downturn sparked the debt crisis, Greek working people have held huge demonstrations, general strikes and now…

What’s going on among the filthy rich

February 10, 2015

It's easy to get angry at the super rich these days. The percentage of households in the U.S. feeling the…

Michigan corporations get billions in tax credits while masses suffer

February 10, 2015

Detroit --  The capitalists and their servants have no shame when it comes to taking from the poorest and giving…

Disabled and civil rights groups raise alarm over Supreme Court case on police shootings

February 10, 2015

A case before the U.S. Supreme Court which seeks police exemption from the Americans with Disabilities Act has critical importance…

Confront ‘American Sniper’

February 10, 2015

Try to imagine this movie: Iraq’s urban population, angered by a foreign invasion, mobilizes to resist an army of occupation.…

Después de votar contra austeridad/Masas griegas esperan cambios

February 10, 2015

El nuevo gobierno izquierdista socialdemócrata del partido Syriza llegó al poder en Grecia con un programa anti-austeridad el 25 de…

Tsipras pledges to fight austerity but ‘observe euro norms’ as bankers prepare to stonewall Syriza

February 10, 2015

Feb. 9 — A showdown in Greece in the struggle between the newly elected leftist Syriza government and the European…

On West Coast, bosses threaten lockout of longshore workers

February 9, 2015

Oakland, Calif. -- The Pacific Maritime Association announced on Feb. 4 their intent to lock out the International Longshore and…