Selma 50 years later — Fight’s still on against racism and for liberation

March 10, 2015

Selma, Ala. — A jubilant, determined crowd of more than 100,000 people marched over the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma,…

Justice Dept. on Ferguson: Rampant racism but no indictment of killer cop

March 10, 2015

On March 4, the U.S. Department of Justice issued two seemingly contradictory reports. U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder officially announced…

Young anti-racist artists face felony charges

March 10, 2015

The prosecution of two Metro Detroit youths, accused of painting a mural of protest against police brutality on a building…

Por lo que luchan las mujeres

March 10, 2015

El Día Internacional de la Mujer es un buen momento para examinar algunas luchas cruciales de las mujeres, incluyendo la…

EUA en el Proceso de Paz de Colombia

March 10, 2015

El pasado 20 de febrero se anunció que Estados Unidos enviaría un representante a los diálogos de paz entre el…

Burkina Faso courts to allow exhumation of Thomas Sankara remains

March 10, 2015

Captain Thomas Sankara, martyred Burkinabe revolutionary Pan-Africanist and Marxist leader, was assassinated in a coup on Oct. 15, 1987. Sankara,…

Ferguson, Attica, Zimmerman and the capitalist state

March 9, 2015

Several judicial rulings in recent weeks demonstrate the determination of the capitalist government to shield the front-line forces of the…

UAW and VW: Workers need a fighting union

March 9, 2015

Just over a year ago the National Labor Relations Board conducted a union representation election at the Volkswagen plant in…

Keystone XL and Climate Change: Game Over for Capitalism

March 9, 2015

Until his veto of the Keystone XL (KXL) pipeline on Feb. 24, President Barack Obama had kept the entire world…

What’s behind Christie’s sweetheart deal with ExxonMobil?

March 9, 2015

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie says he wants to settle an $8.9 billion environmental lawsuit against ExxonMobil for just $250…