Study exposes racism & why Black girls matter

March 30, 2015

All human life matters. But throughout U.S. history, that reality has been overshadowed by the doctrine and practice of white…

Event marks women’s global federation at 70

March 30, 2015

The call for international solidarity in the fight for women’s equality and justice was loud and clear on March 17…

Black leader Jabari Shaw targeted

March 30, 2015

Oakland, Calif. -- A combined task force of Oakland Police Department officers, FBI and U.S. marshals on March 9 chased…

Europe austerity met with mass, militant protests

March 30, 2015

The European Central Bank decided a few years ago that to properly enforce its policy of harsh austerity on countries…

Behind the police killings of people with disabilities

March 30, 2015

In a Jan. 29 letter, Los Angeles County District Attorney Jackie Lacy said her office found "there is insufficient evidence…

ISIS, Netanyahu, Iran – U.S. imperialist plans unravel

March 26, 2015

Two deeply related issues that are of concern to anti-imperialists have been stirring U.S. capitalist politics. The first is the…

Oil strike breakthrough

March 26, 2015

March 22 — The U.S. oil refinery strike, which began Feb. 1, appears to be moving toward a resolution. The…

Immigrants defend right to drive in Pennsylvania

March 26, 2015

During a public hearing on March 20 on the reform of the driving-license law for undocumented people in Pennsylvania, people…

What you can do for the Boston school bus drivers

March 26, 2015

Victory may still be in the air with the “not guilty” verdict on March 5 in the trumped-up felony case…

Textbooks sit in warehouses

March 26, 2015

Philadelphia -- Under the profit-driven capitalist system, billions of people struggle just for food and other basic necessities, yet corporations will…