Thousands protest police terror

April 21, 2015

Events were held around the country on April 14 to protest police terror  under the theme of “Shut it down.”…

Day of Solidarity with Venezuela blasts U.S. threats

April 21, 2015

New York -- Shouting, “Venezuela is not a threat! Repeal the decree now!” activists rallied in Times Square on April…

Legacy of May Day today

April 21, 2015

Next year will mark the 130th anniversary of the founding of May Day. Also known as International Workers Day, May…

Racist court denies justice for Michigan Civil Rights leader

April 21, 2015

St. Joseph, Mich. -- Another postconviction motions hearing took place on April 14 in St. Joseph, Mich., involving the conviction…

Sobre Cuba, Irán, Ucrania: Obama, un centrista, cede a la derecha

April 21, 2015

Los vericuetos de la política exterior del Presidente Barack Obama, desde Cuba a Irán a Ucrania, muestran la capacidad de…

Bangladeshi garment workers need justice!

April 21, 2015

The struggle for justice and compensation for the Rana Plaza workers is far from over two years after the deadliest…

Baltimore protests erupt over police killing of Freddie Grey

April 21, 2015

Baltimore -- Protests over the police killing of 25-year-old Freddie Carlos Grey erupted over the April 18-19 weekend after the…

Protesters demand videotapes of police killing

April 19, 2015

A large crowd gathered in Oakland, Calif., on April 12 at the site where ­Yuvette Henderson was killed. They were…

Lupe Ochoa, yet another police victim

April 19, 2015

A crowd of family, friends and supporters gathered at the corner of 98th and Bancroft streets in East Oakland, Calif.,…

Brooklyn tenants take to streets

April 19, 2015

Brooklyn tenants and homeowners rallied on April 9 across the street from a high-rise luxury apartment building owned by the…