Countrywide actions on Starbucks Worker Solidarity Day

September 25, 2023

Cleveland Heights, Ohio Called by Starbucks Workers United, Sept. 14 was a national day of solidarity with Starbucks workers in…

Protesters demand an end to prison deaths and torture in Rhode Island

September 22, 2023

Providence, Rhode Island “What we did yesterday taught us that nothing is impossible. After all, what seemed impossible yesterday, was…

Hail Indigenous Peoples Day – Support Workers World

September 22, 2023

Boston’s proclamation two years ago that the second Monday of October every year would be Indigenous Peoples Day “in lieu…

Seattle: Protest cop murder of Jaahnavi Kandula

September 22, 2023

Seattle Police officer Kevin Dave was speeding at 74 mph in a 25 mph zone on Dexter Avenue North in…

Tell Biden: Free Leonard Peltier!

September 22, 2023

The excerpted remarks were written by political prisoner Leonard Peltier (Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians) for the 53rd annual…

Int’l conference to stop the Third World War set in Rome Oct. 27-28

September 21, 2023

Support is growing for an international conference demanding the dissolution of NATO, an end to arms shipments to Ukraine, and…

Disability Justice and Neurodivergent community rocks Boston Common to ‘Stop the Shock’

September 21, 2023

Stop the Shock – a coalition of more than 30 organizations in the Disability Justice and Neurodivergent community – organized…

Remembering the martyrs of the 1963 Birmingham bombing

September 21, 2023

The 60th anniversary of the infamous Birmingham, Alabama, bombing of the 16th Street Baptist Church occurred on Sept. 15. On…

10 myths, counter-narratives and contradictions vs. the West neocolonialist war in Niger

September 21, 2023

With all the imperial onslaughts against the Global South, their wars are increasingly fought at the level of disinformation and…

PDF of Sept. 21 print issue

September 21, 2023

Download the PDF. Boston march Oct. 7 to demand: Indigenous Peoples Day now! UAW strikes Big Three all at once…