Baltimore protest set for May 16; struggle demands amnesty for arrestees

May 11, 2015

May 11 -- Close to 500 people have been arrested here since the rebellion that began on April 25 after…

Stop medical murder of Mumia Abu-Jamal

May 11, 2015

An important news conference was held in Harlem, N.Y., on May 7 to continue the national and international campaign pressing…

Rochester, N.Y., transit workers rally against union busting, racist bus cuts

May 11, 2015

Rochester, N.Y. -- More than 300 members and supporters of Local 282 of the Amalgamated Transit Workers militantly marched and…

People’s City Council protests gentrification in Oakland, Calif.

May 11, 2015

Oakland, Calif. -- Members of Black.Seed (formerly Black Brunch) and Asians4BlackLives took over the Oakland City Council meeting on May…

Supreme Court pressed to grant right to marry

May 8, 2015

Last week the Supreme Court of the United States heard arguments for and against legalizing same-sex marriage. Plaintiffs from Michigan,…

New book exposes U.S.’s ‘hidden war’ on Africa

May 8, 2015

Journalist Nick Turse has researched the increasing role of the United States Africa Command (Africom) over the last seven years,…

On the picket line

May 8, 2015

California nurses strike for health coverage, safety Some 5,000 registered nurses, organized by the California Nurses Association and National Nurses…

Reacting to Ukraine crisis, Generals in Germany say ‘No’ to war with Russia

May 8, 2015

This article by Peter Wolter was published in the German daily Junge Welt on May 6. The translation is by…

For immigrant and workers’ rights, against police murders

May 6, 2015

From April 30 to May 3, people in many U.S. cities held rallies, marches and other events in solidarity with…

Women combatants want to achieve peace

May 6, 2015

Colombia talks — in Cuba Peace talks between the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia-People’s Army (FARC-EP) and the Colombian government,…