Monopoly and ‘free trade’

May 31, 2015

With the Obama administration seemingly hell-bent on getting its “Trans-Pacific Partnership” bill passed, which many critics say is not a…

A tribute to ‘Ghost’ Commander Mozgovoi

May 31, 2015

When I learned that Donbass militia leader Alexei Mozgovoi had been assassinated, I immediately thought of Joe Hill’s famous last…

What is the Left going to do about the government’s plan to crush the Black Lives Matter uprising?

May 30, 2015

WW analysis The government is planning to crush the Black Lives Matter uprising that swept the country in the aftermath…

Defend Yemeni people confronting Saudi aggression

May 30, 2015

Following is a statement for a petition received from the Kolkata, India, based International Anti-imperialist Coordinating Committee (IACC) on May…

New York protest blocks traffic near Gov. Cuomo’s office to demand fair rent

May 30, 2015

“We are tired of being displaced, extorted, harassed and ignored. We will continue to bring our grievances to the doorsteps…

Stop military intervention in Iraq

May 30, 2015

The International Anti-Occupation Network, meeting in Stockholm, Sweden, and Helsinki, Finland, at the end of May, published the following statement…

McDonald’s workers push back, demand $15 and a union

May 30, 2015

Chanting “We work! We sweat! Put $15 in our check!” as they marched behind a banner reading “McDonald’s: $15 and…

Tens of thousands strike for school funding in Washington State

May 30, 2015

Some 6,000 Seattle school teachers held a one-day strike on May 19, defying the Washington State Legislature. Along with student…

Women’s peace walk crosses DMZ

May 30, 2015

Thirty women peace activists from 15 countries crossed the demilitarized zone separating north and south Korea on May 24. They…

Burkina Faso: Sankarist parties form united front

May 30, 2015

Ten political parties claiming to uphold the political legacy of martyred Burkina Faso Marxist and Pan-Africanist revolutionary Thomas Sankara have…